Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Russian Revolution

Why did the Russians have a revolution?
They were all plays for power and change of government. This was a growth of an unhappy people as the monarchy declined over the time. They were generally viewed as an extrem group and had very little popular support when they began serious efforts in April 1917.
What are some of the major causes of the revolution?
One cause of the French revolution was that the French royalty/nobility of the abhorent condition of the citizens. The citizens eventually became so tired of this that they revolted. Czar Alexander II began in 1855 when Russia was defeated by Britain, France and Piedmont in the Crimean War. He thought that the chief reason for Russian defeat was her backward economic and social system.
What was the Revolution all about?
It removed Russia from the war and brought about the transformation of the Russian Empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , replacing Russia’s traditional monarchy with the world’s first Communist state.

Monday, January 11, 2010

causes of WWI

The a cause of WWI was the Alliance Systems. Which was developed in Europe, so many powers was involved.
Militarism was a class of professional and powerful military officers developed and to dominate the civil authorities.
Imperialism increased in products caused by the industrial revolution.
World War I was caused in part by the two opposing alliances developed by Bismarck diplomacy after the Franco-Prussian War.

Nationalism is a term used to describe ones deep pride for a country; it can be negative and positive. The principles of nationalism was ignored for preserving

Friday, December 18, 2009

opium war

during the opium war the british firepower was strong.
the british started giving a drug called the opium to china.
the opium was very attacted to the chinese.
it was britians destiny to get tea from china. since tea didnt grow in britian much, they needed chinas tea. in the opium war there was alot of back to back attacks from china and britian.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mountains of the moon

Some of the hardships that Europeans faced as they explored Africa was getting on other peoples land and finding food.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx's and Communism

Karl Marx wanted everybody to share the same wealth because some people didn't work as hard as others.Karl Marx wanted Communism to take over the world becuase he didn't like the fact that the workers were looked down upon their masters. Karl didn't like the fact that workers were getting poorer and the owners were getting richer, and that wasn't fair. he saw the owners or the rich people the bad guys becuase they were the cause that the workers were living in poverty. Workers weren't paid that much compared to the owners of factories or other businesses. He saw the workers and poor people as the good guys.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Karl Marx and the industrial revolution

the way that Marx felt about the Industrial Revolution was he seen workers getting treated unequally , child labor and working long hours. He believed the workers was always goin g to be poor but he did not see the reforms whould make life better for the workers he also did not see that the more of goods were produced the more the price whould fall. He did not believe in god and thought workers were controlled by religion. Marx ideas were not used in the communist countries. He believed that workers would control government. when he looks at the industial revolution he sew two main classes : workers or the proleparihe and the owners of businesses or bourgeoisie

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

nationalism and the creation of Italy

The interests or culture of one's nation. I know im nationalistic because i celebrate thanksgiving. My family gives thanks to jesus by getting all of our family together for a holiday feast. People who are nationalism doesnt support the king or being loyal to them.Italy is a nation formed by nationalism; Italy was first ruled by Austria. In the early and middle years of the 1800's Italians started to disobey the rule that they should be loyal to the king or ruler.