Friday, December 18, 2009

opium war

during the opium war the british firepower was strong.
the british started giving a drug called the opium to china.
the opium was very attacted to the chinese.
it was britians destiny to get tea from china. since tea didnt grow in britian much, they needed chinas tea. in the opium war there was alot of back to back attacks from china and britian.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mountains of the moon

Some of the hardships that Europeans faced as they explored Africa was getting on other peoples land and finding food.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx's and Communism

Karl Marx wanted everybody to share the same wealth because some people didn't work as hard as others.Karl Marx wanted Communism to take over the world becuase he didn't like the fact that the workers were looked down upon their masters. Karl didn't like the fact that workers were getting poorer and the owners were getting richer, and that wasn't fair. he saw the owners or the rich people the bad guys becuase they were the cause that the workers were living in poverty. Workers weren't paid that much compared to the owners of factories or other businesses. He saw the workers and poor people as the good guys.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Karl Marx and the industrial revolution

the way that Marx felt about the Industrial Revolution was he seen workers getting treated unequally , child labor and working long hours. He believed the workers was always goin g to be poor but he did not see the reforms whould make life better for the workers he also did not see that the more of goods were produced the more the price whould fall. He did not believe in god and thought workers were controlled by religion. Marx ideas were not used in the communist countries. He believed that workers would control government. when he looks at the industial revolution he sew two main classes : workers or the proleparihe and the owners of businesses or bourgeoisie

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

nationalism and the creation of Italy

The interests or culture of one's nation. I know im nationalistic because i celebrate thanksgiving. My family gives thanks to jesus by getting all of our family together for a holiday feast. People who are nationalism doesnt support the king or being loyal to them.Italy is a nation formed by nationalism; Italy was first ruled by Austria. In the early and middle years of the 1800's Italians started to disobey the rule that they should be loyal to the king or ruler.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar is so famous becasue he was a Liberator. He became farmilier with the ideas of the enlightment while he was in the united states, europe, thats were he got his ideas. There is a country named after him in South America because the Caracas junta declared its independence in 1810, and he was sent to Britain on a diplomatic mission.Simon Bolivar led and won the struggle for South America's independence, becoming a hero in five nations. BolĂ­var became familiar with the works of the Enlightenment as well as those of classical Greece and Rome.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

copernicus and the trial of galileo

-The heliocentric theory means the sun is fixed at the center of the universe.
-The geocentric theory believes that the earth is the center of the universe.
-The Catholic Church believes in the geocentric theory.
-The Trial of Galileo was about Galileo going against the bible and proving that the earth is not in the center of the universe.
-The Catholic Church labeled Galileo guilty and he was tortured behind bars.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

john locke and "The Enlightenment"

where does the government come from


where do they get there power?
*Laying its foundation on the principles to organize its power. Then the form of governments becomes destructive and the rights of the people abolish it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

scientific revolution: the scientific method

The scientific method is making observations and doing experiments. Finding conclusions , making an hypotheses, procedures for the experiments, and data which includes results. The steps:
-ask a question
-do some background research
-think of a hypotheses
-then you test it
-order your data
-make a conclusion
-and last but not lest the results
scientific methods is used in experiments because you need to always have back up infomation; andto explain the experiment that has been done.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

evolution vs. creation

Evolution vs. Creation is in fact the Great Debate of our exact times. The basis of evolution is the genes that are passed on from generation to generation; these produce an organism's inherited traits. Evolution itself is the product of two opposing forces: processes that constantly introduce variation and processes that make variants either become more common or rare. New variation arises in two main ways: either from mutations in genes or from the transfer of genes between populations and between species.
The act of creating or causing to exist. in particular, the act of bringing the world or this world into being.
i believe in creation because thats how i was brought up ; learning about the bible.