Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx's and Communism

Karl Marx wanted everybody to share the same wealth because some people didn't work as hard as others.Karl Marx wanted Communism to take over the world becuase he didn't like the fact that the workers were looked down upon their masters. Karl didn't like the fact that workers were getting poorer and the owners were getting richer, and that wasn't fair. he saw the owners or the rich people the bad guys becuase they were the cause that the workers were living in poverty. Workers weren't paid that much compared to the owners of factories or other businesses. He saw the workers and poor people as the good guys.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Karl Marx and the industrial revolution

the way that Marx felt about the Industrial Revolution was he seen workers getting treated unequally , child labor and working long hours. He believed the workers was always goin g to be poor but he did not see the reforms whould make life better for the workers he also did not see that the more of goods were produced the more the price whould fall. He did not believe in god and thought workers were controlled by religion. Marx ideas were not used in the communist countries. He believed that workers would control government. when he looks at the industial revolution he sew two main classes : workers or the proleparihe and the owners of businesses or bourgeoisie